Sunday Morning Christian Hits Companion


Victor Labenske has created 33 professional-sounding yet technically accessible arrangements of contemporary worship hits. This collection is ideal for busy pianists who would like to perform worship selections that require minimal preparation time. To assist in planning, approximate performance times are included. The comb binding creates a lay-flat book that is perfect for study and performance. Titles: 10,000 Reasons * Alive * All the Poor and Powerless * Beautiful Things * Blessings * Build Your Kingdom Here * Come As You Are * Cornerstone * Desert Song * Forever * From the Inside Out * Good, Good Father * Great Are You, Lord * Holy Spirit * I Give You My Heart * I Will Follow * It Is Well * Lead Me to the Cross * Lord, I Need You * Mighty to Save * No Longer Slaves * Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) * One Thing Remains (Your Love Never Fails) * Open Up the Heavens * Our God * Resurrecting * Revelation Song * Shout to the Lord * The Stand * This Is Amazing Grace * What a Beautiful Name * You Make Me Brave * Your Love Never Fails. A Federation Festivals 2020-2024 selection.